Kiwi Mates Reg and Jim Prepare for All Fun No Fare Adventure…
Tourism Western Australia searched far and wide for two adventurous, fun-loving Kiwis to explore Western Australia in one of the world’s most epic taxi rides.
Kiwis mates, Reg Clothier and Jim McIntosh, have won the ride of a lifetime. Normally the boys travel with their wives but this time they’re striking out on a boys’ adventure across the outback.
Reg is a Property Manager in Wellington and his mate Jim is a custom shoemaker, who created many of the shoes for Lord of the Rings and has since continued a tidy trade in custom making shoes for a number of celebrities.
When Jim is not crafting new soles, he’s searching for interesting souls – satisfying his wanderlust with world travel and reporting on all of his adventures in his blog:
Reg and Jim met in 1995 through a site which brings together travellers from across the globe to host each other in their respective countries. Although in Jim and Reg’s case it brought together two men who live less than five kilometres from one another!
Reg and Jim will be hailing their cab on the 01st of June and heading to The Gibb River Road for nine days, starting with an iconic 4WD adventure across the Kimberley – one of the world’s last true wilderness areas.
Reg and Jim will then ditch the 4WD to return to their trusty taxi but not for long because the next stop will be cattle mustering and then barramundi fishing. After all of that the boys will have earned a well-deserved rest under waterfalls and in hot thermal springs. Highlights include staying at El Questro Wilderness Park and Home Valley Station.
Reg is hungry for adventure saying he is, “Absolutely delighted to have won this chance to see Western Australia and have the opportunity to pursue my passion for the sort of adventurous travel which is off the beaten track.”
Jim is a wildlife enthusiast with a keen interest in conservation and cultures. Some of Jim’s conservation work includes creating and securing waterholes for elephants in Namibia.
Jim is incredibly excited about the trip, saying: “Not many people really know just how different and diverse Western Australia is from New Zealand. It is so close in terms of miles and yet it really is like another world.”
The boys, who are both sixty, will be hailing their taxi and driving 1,000 kilometres in search of some of the most spectacular and extraordinary sites that Western Australia has to offer.
If you like what you’ve heard so far keep up with the boys and their Western Australia adventure at: